Privacy Policy

Lingodemia (“Company”) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who visit the website. Therefore, this “Privacy Policy” has been created to inform you about what information is processed, how it is processed, with whom it is shared in accordance with the law and your consent, and how it is protected by the Company. Additionally, this Privacy Policy outlines how you can verify the accuracy of this information and how you can request its deletion by contacting the Company through the website. All services provided to individuals by the Company through various channels are collectively referred to as “Service.”

Data Controller

Personal data refers to any information about an identified or identifiable real person, such as name, surname, date of birth, or phone number.

Your personal data is processed by the Company, registered Kayseri Trade Registry Directorate and having its headquarters at Gömeç Mahallesi File Sokak No:5 38095 Kocasinan / Kayseri, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) numbered 6698 and other relevant legislation and decisions/announcements by the competent authority, within the framework of this Privacy Policy.

The Company respects your concerns regarding the privacy and protection of your personal data. In this context, the Company processes your personal data in compliance with all legal regulations regarding personal data protection, ensures the secure storage of your data, and takes all necessary security measures against possible unauthorized access.

İşbu Gizlilik Politikası metni, Şirket tarafından aşağıda belirtilen kanallar vasıtası ile hangi kişisel veri kategorilerinizin toplandığı ve hangi süreçler ve amaçlarla işlendiği, hangi alıcı gruplarına aktarıldığı, kişisel verilerinizin korunmasına ilişkin haklarınızı ve veri sorumlusu olarak Şirketin aydınlatma yükümlülüğü kapsamında sizleri bilgilendirmesi gereken diğer açıklamaları içermektedir.

Scope and Data Collected by the Privacy Policy

The use of certain information related to a specific individual can only be possible if that individual enters data voluntarily or gives explicit consent to do so. Data entry or giving explicit consent in this regard is an indicator of the individual’s agreement with the terms stated below. When the website is visited, some information is stored on the website servers.

This data may include:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • E-mail
  • Phone number
  • Age

Based on this data, certain conclusions about the site user can be drawn. However, this personal data can only be used in an anonymous form. In case this data is transferred to an external service provider, the necessary procedures are carried out to ensure the data’s security within the framework of existing legal regulations.

If you voluntarily provide personal information, the Company commits to use this information within the limits prescribed by law or the limitations specified in the user’s consent declaration. 

Personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Customizing user experiences
  • Website access
  • Communicating with users
  • Competing
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Conducting analysis and market research
  • Managing and keeping records of the website

As part of the services offered, the Company may obtain and transfer information about the individuals using the service. Such data transfers are carried out in compliance with the terms determined by third parties and the contracts and current legal regulations in force. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of third parties to whom data is transferred, and the Company is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of these third parties. This Privacy Policy does not cover information collected by applications outside the Company’s control, information collected by websites and platforms of third parties, and titles, campaigns, and other advertisements or promotions on third-party websites sponsored or participated by the Company. The Company is not responsible for the operations related to personal data collected by third parties through their own websites. Please review our Cookie Policy for detailed information.

Children’s Privacy

The website does not knowingly collect data from individuals under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please do not share any personal information by using the services. At this point, it is expected that children’s parents or guardians will help them understand the application of this Privacy Policy and not share their personal data.

Use of Cookies

The Company can obtain some of the mentioned personal data by using technical communication files (Cookies). These technical communication files are small text files sent by a website to the user’s browser to be stored in the main memory. Technical communication files facilitate the use of the Internet by storing information about the status and preferences of a website. Technical communication files help to obtain statistical information that identifies how many people use a website, how many times a person visits the website, and how long they stay, as well as dynamically generating advertisements and content specifically designed for users on personalized user pages. Technical communication files are not designed to receive data or any personal data from the main memory or emails. Most browsers are designed to accept technical communication files by default, but users can change their settings to prevent technical communication files or to receive a warning when a technical communication file is sent. Any malfunction resulting from this setting change should not be attributed to us.

The following cookies are used on the website:

  • Names of other websites visited while on the site
  • IP address and/or location
  • Operating system of the accessing computer
  • Browser type
  • Visit date and time

Necessary Data for Using the Services

The Company places great importance on the security of your purchases made through the website. Therefore, your credit card information is only used during the purchase process and is not stored in the database.

Links to Other Websites

The Company’s website may contain links/links that direct to websites owned by third parties, and this Privacy Policy is not applicable to these websites. The Company does not accept any responsibility for these websites.

Social Media

The Company’s website provides links to some social media networks that allow the content created to be shared on social media. These linked services only work with user approval and their purpose is to view the website’s content and share it with friends and family when desired. Data sharing with these linked social media networks is subject to the privacy policies announced on their sites. It is important to review these privacy policies as well.

Information Update and Change

The Company can change the content of this Privacy Policy whenever it wishes to keep the principles of privacy and data protection up to date and make them compliant with the relevant legislation. The changed Privacy Policy will be announced on the Company’s website. You can continuously access the current version of this Privacy Policy at If you continue to use the Company’s services or applications after the Privacy Policy has been changed, it will be assumed that you have accepted the changes made. The provisions of the Privacy Policy, as amended by the Company, will come into effect on the date they are published on the website.

Data Retention Period

Data directly shared by members when they register is kept during the membership period. Data shared when subscribing to the newsletter is kept in the system until unsubscribed. IP addresses are stored during the membership period.

How Personal Data Can Be Processed

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK), the personal data shared with Lingodemia can be processed in any way, either completely or partially, automatically or non-automatically as part of an automated data recording system or as part of a non-automated data recording system. Any process performed on data is considered as “processing personal data” under KVKK.

Information About Third Parties or Organizations That Personal Data Can Be Transferred To

For the purposes mentioned above, the personal data shared with Lingodemia may be transferred to individuals and organizations such as main shareholders, shareholders, advertisers, and directly or indirectly domestic/international subsidiaries, including but not limited to companies using Lingodemia’s infrastructure for the benefit of the offered services, individuals and organizations related to the service, domestic/international organizations, and other third parties and organizations. Exceptionally, data may be shared with official institutions in cases where court orders are issued and within the framework of our legal obligations.

Regarding cookies used for advertising purposes, our regulations are covered in the “Lingodemia Cookie Policy,” which is currently part of the “Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy” you are reading. Please click here to learn about our Cookie Policy.

Personal Data Obtained Before the Enforcement of KVKK

There is no personal data stored on the Lingodemia website that was stored before the enforcement date of KVKK, which is April 7, 2016.

Data Subject’s Rights

The data subject can always exercise the right to access their data. In addition, the rights described in Article 11 of the KVKK and the following rights can be exercised, provided that the relevant conditions are met.

  • Right to correction
  • Right to be forgotten
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to make a complaint through the authorized data protection authority
  • Right to data portability

In cases where activities concerning the processing of personal data take place under the special conditions resulting from the current situation, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of personal data, provided that the legal obligations of the Company concerning the protection of interests, rights, and freedoms above the interests of the Company are not justified. The Company will stop processing the data as long as it cannot prove that the protection of interests, rights, and freedoms is justified or that the processing serves the purpose of making, using, or defending a legal claim.

If you have given your consent for the processing of personal data, you have the possibility to withdraw your consent

Within the scope of the law, any requests, complaints, and suggestions related to your personal data can be delivered to the address below with your identity-identifying documents and your petition containing your request or sent to the Company’s registered email address at using a secure electronic signature.

Last updated: November 2, 2023.