One-on-one Turkish Lessons

Welcome to One-on-One Turkish Lessons

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the vibrant world of the Turkish language? Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, our one-on-one Turkish lessons offer personalized attention and tailored learning experiences to suit your needs.

Why Choose Lingodemia One-on-One Turkish Lessons?
  • Personalized Learning: With individualized lessons, you’ll receive personalized attention from our experienced Turkish tutors. We understand that every learner has unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, and we tailor our lessons accordingly to ensure maximum progress.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Life can be hectic, but with one-on-one lessons, you have the flexibility to schedule sessions at times that work best for you. Whether you prefer morning sessions before work or evening lessons after dinner, we can accommodate your schedule.
  • Customized Curriculum: Our lessons are designed to meet your specific goals and interests. Whether you’re learning Turkish for travel, work, or personal enrichment, we’ll create a customized curriculum that aligns with your objectives.
  • Focused Attention: In a one-on-one setting, you’ll receive undivided attention from your tutor, allowing you to ask questions, seek clarification, and practice speaking without any distractions. This focused attention accelerates your learning and boosts your confidence in using the language.
What to Expect

During your one-on-one Turkish lessons, you’ll engage in a variety of interactive activities designed to enhance your language skills:

Woman working outside on a bench with her laptop and notebook
  • Vocabulary Building: Learn essential Turkish vocabulary through conversation, flashcards, and interactive exercises.
  • Grammar Instruction: Master Turkish grammar concepts with clear explanations and guided practice exercises.
  • Reading and Listening Comprehension: Improve your reading and listening skills through engaging texts, audio recordings, and comprehension activities.
  • Speaking Practice: Gain confidence in speaking Turkish through structured dialogues, role-plays, and real-life scenarios.
  • Writing Exercises: Practice writing in Turkish with guidance from your tutor, focusing on sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary usage.

Meet Your Tutor

Your one-on-one Turkish lessons will be conducted by a highly qualified native speaker who holds a prestigious “Teaching English as a Second Language” certificate from Hacettepe University, renowned for its excellence in language education. With a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and a PhD in Turkish language and literature, he brings a deep understanding of both classical and modern Turkish to the table, ensuring expert guidance tailored to your learning needs. Click here to see his CV.

Course Info

    Our one-on-one Turkish lessons offer convenience and accessibility, designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule:

  • Virtual Classroom: Classes are conducted via Zoom, providing a flexible and convenient learning environment accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Interactive Learning Platform: Upon enrollment, students gain access to our Moodle-based digital class, where they can find the Zoom link for their sessions as well as all course materials, resources, and assignments.
  • Session Duration: Each session is 60 minutes long, providing ample time for focused learning and meaningful interaction with your tutor.
  • Pricing: The cost for a 60-minute session is $20 USD, offering exceptional value for personalized instruction from our experienced Turkish tutor.
Get Started Today

Ready to take the first step toward fluency in Turkish? Contact us to schedule your one-on-one lessons and begin your language learning journey. Whether you’re preparing for a trip to Turkey, connecting with Turkish-speaking friends and family, or simply exploring a new language and culture, our experienced tutors are here to support you every step of the way. Let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!

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